Bill de Blasio is a Uniquely Vulnerable Incumbent who Needs to be Challenged
A New York Times piece about Mayor Bill de Blasio’s early 2017 re-election campaign caught my eye recently — in particular, the fact that the Mayor is trying to “ward off any potential Democratic challenger from jumping into the race [http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/15/nyregion/mayor-bill-de-blasio-campaign-union-endorsements.html?

Trump’s Manufacturing Delusions Leave America Unprepared for the Future of Work
Of all the ridiculous incidents during the presidential campaign, one moment during the primaries stuck out to me. In March 2016, the Republican candidates met for a debate in Detroit, where moderator Chris Wallace asked what these potential Presidents would do to “bring back manufacturing jobs to places like Detroit”
A Proposal to Fix our Broken Presidential Primaries
I recently watched “The War Room” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgo-qwfCFYU] for the first time — D.A. Pennebaker’s masterful documentary about Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign, told mainly through the stories of the campaign’s top strategists, George Stephanopoulos and James Carville. James Carville: The “Ragin’ Cajun”